Sunday, November 28, 2010

What does life look like?

A couple of nights ago, a bishop was here, and thanked me for my efforts to build up this local community.  As I look around, there are many signs of life being breathed into this community:
  • Last night, I responded to an invitation to be present with high school students who are living an Antioch weekend experience.  Along with three other priests from this city, we celebrated the Sacrament of God's divine mercy with them.  I hope and pray that our presence has made a difference to them.
  • This morning, following the first Mass, there was a parish breakfast in the parish hall.  This is one of a number of social occasions which have been re-kindled in this community over the past couple of years.  Each one provides another opportunity for individuals to interact, and for community to be built.
  • Duirng the early liturgy this morning, members of one family all came together to assume various responsibilities during the liturgy.  Father and his youngest son, accompanied by grandparents were present for the lighting of the Advent candle; another son was present to serve at the altar and to proclaim the Prayers of the Faithful; daughter was here too to proclaim the readings, and even mom joined in by leading the recitation of the responsorial psalm and by distributing communion to others of the community.  This may be a first, but hopefully it will show others that they too can get involved.
  • When we discovered that there would be no organist present for the later liturgy this morning, one of the choristers volunteered to stay, just to provide some leadership so that songs would be sung, even a capella.
People of faith share their faith in service to others.  Every day is another invitation to respond in love to the possiblity of proclaiming our faith to others.  At times these responses are surprises even to the giver, but always they are opportunities for blessing.

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