Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just the push of a button

Installation complete.

All the wires are connected.  All the fuses are activated and the tests have been completed.  I can't imagine which of the neighbours must have wondered what was happening if they heard the bell ringing, tolling, pealing ... but not completing any one pattern ... at least for the moment.

As I watched the demo, I couldn't help thinking that the one who was conducting it is so familiar with the buttons and the sequences that he was keying that it made the process look simple.  Thankfully, there is a manual supplied which should make the process easier to learn.  With a few days' attention and perhaps a few hours of testing, others should be able to learn the key strokes ana newd become comfortable with them.

For the moment, the bell still sits silently, keeping vigil over the city.  In just a few days' time, the music will begin, the songs will be sung and a new era in the life of the church will begin ... all with the push of a button.

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