Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where is it?

On Thursday of this week, the Church in Canada observed the Memorial of Sainte-Marguerite Bourgeois, the first Canadian woman to be named a Saint.  She dedicated her life to education, and spent a great amount of energy establishing and nurturing relationships with Canada's First Nations peoples.

In recogntion of the importance of her work, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops launched a new section of its website this week, on her feast day.  According to the press release listed on the CCCB website, there is a new section which has been added to the Bishops' website dedicated to the Catholic Church and Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

I wonder whether this means that plans are in the works for an entirely new section of the CCCBs website to be established and dedicated to Canada's First Nations.  Some dioceses in the country have already established such links, so it might stand to reason that there is room for more.

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