Friday, February 21, 2014

To begin the second day of meetings

At 9:30am today in the Synod Hall in the Vatican, the second and final day of the Extraordinary Synod meeting of the College of Cardinals with the Holy Father began.  As they did yesterday, today's meeting will be devoted to reflection on the theme of the family.

Following the celebration of the liturgical hour of Terce, the Holy Father addressed the gathered Cardinals.

Address of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to the Cardinals gathered for the second day
of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family

I want to send a greeting, not only a personal greeting but a collective greeting on behalf of all to the Ukrainian Cardinals - Cardinal Jaworski, Archbishop emeritus of Leopoli and Cardinal Husar, Major Archbishop emeritus of Kiev - who are suffering so much and experiencing so much difficulty in their homeland.  Perhaps it would be good to send this message on behalf of all of us: do you agree, all of you, do you agree?  (Applause)

Another thing: last night before I went to bed, but not before I went to sleep, I read - I reread - Cardinal Kasper's report and I want to thank him for it, because I found it profoundly theological, a serene theological reflection.  It is a pleasure to read theological things in a calm reflective manner.  I also found in this reflection an example what Saint Ignatius once called the sensus Ecclesiae, love for Mother Church.  I enjoyed this reflection and the thought came to me - excuse me Your Eminence if I am embarrassing you - but I was reminded about the importance of doing theology on our knees.  Thank you.  Thank you.

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