Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hidden treasures

A visit at the hospital yesterday has provided further fodder for thought and reflection today. A little girl is currently lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. This is not the first time during her short life that she's had to face this fight, but it is the first time that I was able to visit with her.

Isabelle is not unlike so many other youngsters who face all kinds of physical and medical adversity. When her parents discovered that they were expecting, they were quick to give thanks to God, because until this time, they had been trying unsuccessfully to have children. This miracle baby was born extremely prematurely and as a result has lived with a compromised immunity system, underdeveloped lungs and a brain which ran out of time to grow in utero. The result has been a constant parade of visits to various hospitals for her and for her parents, but despite all the hardship, they would never have it any other way.

On good days, Isabelle smiles constantly. She's a content child who marvels at the smallest thing. All she has ever known or wanted is love and to be loved. She does this with facial expressions and gestures of affection, even though she has never uttered a word. When she's experiencing difficulty breathing, she continues to fight, in her own placid fashion, always happy to see familiar faces (and even unfamiliar ones which look on with love and compassion).

Children who live with various medical challenges or disabilities are often the source of great concern on the part of their parents, but those who choose to love them rather than judge them or to react in fear often discover that these children are some of the greatest treasures, gifts from heaven. They love unconditionally. They welcome affection with no guile. They give much more than they receive.

In short, they are gifts from God.

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