Saturday, October 17, 2009

Revisiting the celebration

Earlier this week, I wrote three entries here describing various aspects of the special celebrations held in honour of the Year for Priests.

As mentioned in one of those entries, Sean Cardinal O'Malley, OFM Cap was the invited guest presider and homilist at this special Mass. He also gave a one-hour reflection on priesthood during the banquet that followed.

As of yesterday, Cardinal O'Malley has updated his own blog, including his adventures throughout the past week. He does this on a weekly basis, and tries to recount all the visits and encounters he has throughout the seven-day period. This week, he also included a special mention for his first visit to Sudbury, a place where his ancestors had already trod, but where he had never visited (until a few days ago). Included with his reflection is a group of still photos and even a video recording of the smudging ceremony used in place of the Penitential Rite during the Mass.

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