Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Doing His work

Some days can flow by like a lazy river, and others seem to rush by like a roaring torrent. At times, we need to stop and take stock of the ways that we leave our mark on the hearts of those who seem to breeze in and out of our lives.

Was it the person with whom I took a moment to chat this morning while leaving the local fitness centre who got a glimpse of something that made her day that much easier? Perhaps it was the couple who came to see me this morning to speak about their plans for a wedding in a year's time who finally encountered the tender welcome of Him who always has room for the stranger to feel at home. Maybe there was a resident at the nearby retirement home who heard a word of wisdom or encouragement and was filled with renewed hope. Maybe, just maybe there was a soul in search of healing who found solace today because of something that was said (or not said). Perhaps there were just a few who were also challenged today to grow, to change in some way and to become more loving.

There never seem to be enough hours in the day to do all that needs to be done. There are always more meetings that need to happen, more people who are in need, more loved ones who reach out in hope for those who are hurting.

At the end of the day, each of us must first give thanks for all that has been accomplished, and then leave the rest up to Someone else who can complete the good work that has been begun. Then the sanscrit saying can truly take root in our lives:

Look to this day for it is life ... the very life of life;
Yesterday is already a memory and tomorrow is only a vision;
but today well lived
makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.


Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Tony-

You have the ability to say things which touch our souls and gently pull on our heart strings.

May you never lose the fervour of so gently rocking the boat and reminding us of things that are really important.

There is so much love and giving spilling over in abundance on your part.

Being the year for the priests, we cannot tell you often enough:

We love you Padre.-
Thank you for everything.

Anonymous said...

Both the entry and the response comment were straight from the heart and oh so true.
