Thursday, January 21, 2010

Remembering the sometimes forgotten

They have spent an untold number of years at the service of others. They have given of their hearts in order to introduce others to the heart of the One who welcomes the lost, forgives the sinner and celebrates the accomplishments of life, but for various reasons once they're retired, they sometimes fall off the radar and can be all but forgotten.

Tonight, I invited some of these holy ones to share a meal ... and the response was more than rewarding.

I suppose it's not every day that they receive such an invitation, and so they were more than willing to join us for this time of friendship. It doesn't take much to express gratitude to others, and just a little effort goes a really long way. Thanks to the dedication of the staff who work here, all those who were present enjoyed a wonderful evening: a moment to visit with those who we may not see for long periods of time; an opportunity to break bread with those who have shared our lives, and laid the foundations for the work that we are now doing; an occasion for some of those who are now retired, and who don't often get the opportunity to visit to get caught up with one another.

More than anything, these sometimes forgotten ones felt tonight that they were remembered and valued for who they are. That's a really good thing, and I was just happy to have been able to play a small part in bringing them together to say thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Serving as the good Lord has shown us comes to mind. I am truly happy you acknowledged some of the people who appear to fall through the cracks. This was a very good thing that you did.
Thank you.