Monday, September 27, 2010

Work wothwhile

More than once in the past number of years, I've found myself wondering how it is that the majority of working hours tend these days to be taken up with performing any variety of administrative tasks.  The trouble is that signing cheques and making decisions about the myriad of things that face any business on a day-to-day or minute-to-minute basis have very little to do with the work of being priest.

Every once in a while though, the miracle of being His representative on earth comes to the fore, and if I'm really fortunate, not only am I able to recognize it, I'm also able to pause (even just for a moment) to give thanks.

A reminder of this reality happened today.  In the midst of trying to put out a couple of smouldering administrative fires, a new face appeared.  The person behind the face identified himself and asked whether I could spare a moment to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  There are very few of these sacramental actions that are reserved uniquely to priests, and this is one of them.  With just a few words, this stranger was able to stop the administrator and to remind him of the truth about why he is present.

In the words of another wise confrere, when such moments come along, we are best to pay attention to them, for in the space of mere moments, there is great good accomplished, perhaps more good than in an entire day of tending to administrative trivia ... and for these moments, rare as they may be, we should always give thanks.

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