Saturday, October 2, 2010

Relaxation with friends

After a rather hectic week which was filled with its own share of fun as well as other stuff, I am grateful for this day because as it turned out, the past 24 hours or so have been relatively calm (something that is truly rare in these parts, and thus to be savored and cherished).

A small amount of the daylight hours today was spent doing some errands, but the vast majority was spent just chilling, some of the time in the company of friends, and some of the time in blissful solitude.  As it turned out, even the evening was spent with friends, surrounded with good food, lots of laughs and just the right mixture of convivial conversation (ok, before I get carried away ...).

Oh, lest I forget, this afternoon's Mass was made that much more memorable thanks to the presence among us of a visiting priest.  In this case, he's a Spiritan priest who is originally from Ireland, but currently stationed in the Amazon region of Brazil.  Someone commented after Mass that 'those Irish priests have such a way of preaching'.  I must admit that for a second or two, I had considered inviting this priest to share some of his experiences with the gathered community, but then again he's on holidays, and I think was just as happy to be present, even though he didn't have to regale us.  Enjoy your holiday and soak in the treasures of family and friends.

Thanks everyone.  Rest well.  Tomorrow will bring its own blessings.

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