Sunday, October 3, 2010

You never know

Some days you get out of bed with a clear plan of what will happen, when it will take place, in what order things need to happen .... and other days all this seems to disappear in smoke, despite your best efforts.

For some, these days of unexpected happenings cause no end of anxt, but for others, they are days of hidden treasures, and even unknown blessings.  It's all a matter of perspective.

Today, I knew that the morning would be normally occupied, and I knew too that the evening was already spoken for, but the afternoon hours could easily have ended up being wittled away in lazy relaxation.  Instead, they ended up being spent with some surprise guests: a wonderful blessing.  Now that they have departed for their next destination, there are a few moments to take a deep breath, and to utter a word of thanks before the next phase of the adventure begins.

Be conscious today about the little moments that we find (and sometimes they are very little moments indeed) to recognize the goodness that is ours. 

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