Friday, February 26, 2010

Above and beyond

Children can be very perceptive indeed, and what they see, how they experience certain moments, and the people that are there to help them understand how special they are, make all the difference. Take school for instance: it's one thing to enter the doors of the school every day, to attend classes, to go through the motions of being a student. It's quite another thing when the teacher is able to go beyond the lessons in the books to identify the life lessons their students need to learn, and to make these lessons possible.

Students come in all shapes and sizes. So do teachers. Each has his or her own story to tell. Each has his or her own history, but when they combine and spirits meet, there is a different, a more vibrant connection that is often lifegiving in oh so many ways.

Making these kinds of connections requires some thinking outside the box. The teacher must be able to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to truly take an interest in the young minds, hearts and souls that are confided to his or her care, but they're not the only ones who can and should have such experiences. You and I can and should also be the same. The difference is that we can choose to either exist or to live, to go through life from day to day content with the status quo or seeing each day as a gift, another opportunity to make a difference for our world and for someone else.

Explorers, missionaries and entrepreneurs, all of whom have set out to leave their marks on society know what this is like. Those who spend their lives sharing the gift of faith with others or looking for opportunities and occasions to better society have had at least a glimpse of what doors this approach to life can open. Today might present an occasion for you too to make this kind of choice.

Plan to go above and beyond the call of duty. Look for occasions today to make a difference.

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