Sunday, February 7, 2010

Catechesis for a family

Some lessons are learned in classrooms with the assistance of books, pencils and pens. Other kinds of lessons are learned through example and hard work. Life itself calls for commitment, and this is never more evident than in the case of our families.

Teaching faith (that's what catechesis is) involves leading by word and example. It calls for dedication and involves lots of hard work, but in the end it's all very worth the effort. The kinds of decisions needed to live exemplary lives, lives that teach these kinds of lessons, are never easy ones, for they often involve difficult choices that must be made and even more difficult commitments that must be undertaken.

Especially when it comes to teaching our children, this kind of commitment is worth every effort. This week, perhaps in light of the meeting we had with children preparing for the celebration of First Reconciliation (who were present at one of the Sunday liturgies today), my reflection invited the adults present to consider the effect of our words and examples, and perhaps more importantly, the effect of not entering into the dialogue of transmitting faith.

Have a listen if you are so inclined; if you prefer to read the text, that too is available for your reading pleasure.

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