Monday, February 1, 2010

You spoke ... and I'm listening

People in the service sector are usually focused on making others comfortable, attending to their needs with little if any regard for their own. However, like all human interaction, those who focus uniquely on helping others, with no thought of their own needs have often found themselves in various stages of clinical burnout.

Some of you have commented in the past few days that I too need to learn how to balance my love for things computer (including blogging) with the daily demands to be present to those in need, and with the need for some personal space. Therefore, if I tend to be relatively absent from the pages of this blog in the coming days, I hope you will understand.

Don't worry, if there is something worth musing over, I'm sure I'll find the words to paint a picture or two, and hopefully there will be someone out in blogging cyberspace to read them, and for whom they will make at least a little bit of a difference.


Anonymous said...

It was not meant to dampen your Spirit....nor diminish your joy of writing...

Your writings are appreciated by everyone and they do make a big dfference in our lives.

Anonymous said...

That's a FOR SURE!!!