Tuesday, April 13, 2010

... and the visitors listen

Having heard from some of the locals about how our work has been of assistance, and more particularly about their lived experience of priesthood, we turned our attention this afternoon to unpacking the listening we did this morning. It's important after such an experience to take some time to realize both the blessings and the challenges, the good things that are being done and the things that are being neglected. This is an exercise in humility for those who must admit that our efforts are either non-existent or at the least need to be improved, but awareness is the first step to making things better.

Some lively discussion took place throughout the day, and those who took the luxury of listening closely may even have gleaned some concrete direction for the next steps. Some of these will be acted upon in the next hours, and others will take shape in the coming weeks. All of this is very worthwhile effort because to ignore it would do a major disservice to others who are most in need; acting now may very well provide some sources for blessings for newcomers and long-standing locals alike.

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