Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A new look at charity

Charity: being good to others out of love for them.  This is a basic tenet of our faith, and one that we try every day to embody.  It's at the heart of what it means to be a disciple, and to some extent or another, it's been at the core of the values upon which our society is founded.

Whenever something is as familiar as charity is, human beings have a tendency to take it for granted, and that indeed is a shame.  It takes a fresh look at times to help us appreciate what it's all about.  Enter a newly-discovered video entitled First as Tragedy then as Farce.  It made me think.  Maybe it might make you more aware too of things for which we should all be thankful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that video was : Wow... it does make me think...