Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Be positive

Have you ever met a person who always seems to be in a good mood?  Some people seem to be able to find the silver lining in every cloud, even though from the outside, they may appear to be suffering greatly.  These are the people who cause others to wonder (even from a distance) and to be filled with admiration.  They almost emit a positive energy that attracts others and fills them with happiness, even though they may still wonder about the source of contentedness.

Some such people (the positive-minded ones) will tell you that their approach to life is all about choices.  We choose how to react to the events that greet us each day.  Some such events are easy to celebrate, but some need some serious effort on our part if we're going to find the joy that is hidden behind the challenge.

Choose each day to find the positive, to celebrate it, and believe as well that life is an adventure.  You might be surprised at how many reasons for gratitude you will uncover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks alot for this blog!

I really have to work at being positive... I am the type that needs that extra push and motivation to see the good side.

Could it be my fears... the insecurities... the hidden resents deep down... the unforgiveness issues in my life...???

All I know... is that I can not wait to wake up one day and naturally be positve... to see things like God sees them... with Love, Mercy and Pity...

I will go in search for everything positive that God has done for me.... today... I might learn that I have tons of grattitude that will slowly transform my attitude...

Thx Father Tony!