Thursday, July 22, 2010

How could I forget?

The phone rang, and I answered - nothing bizzare there.  What happened next though was truly a moment of grace.  On the other end of the phone was a familiar voice, one I had heard many times before.  As we began to speak, I pictured the person (I've seen him many times in various circumstances).  The issue at hand was a client of his who was in need, desperate need of help.  He had been looking for help for this client for more than a day now, and was not getting very far.

None of the regualar sources were able to help, but he wasn't going to give up.  It was important that this client was moved out of the city, and sent to a safe place.  The question was not even how to get this done, but rather how to find the necessary funds to make it happen.

As we spoke, I remembered that we happen to have some funds at our disposal, not immediately available to us, but not far away either.  At the discuression of the pastor (that's me), these funds have been directed by their donor to be used to help those of the city who are most in need.  It didn't take long for me to make the decision, but getting the necessary paperwork done was a bit of a different question ... although not an impossibility.

As the years go by, I am convinced more and more that 'interruptions' to the regular routines of life such as these are things to which we should pay attention, because more often than not, they are opportunities for grace, for God to act in our society.  They are moments when we are asked to act in faith, to make a difference in someone's life.  It's not a time to pose too many questions (aside from those which help us to determine whether the request itself is legitimate.

Before the sun set, our friend was well on the way home.  I'm not sure whether it was a miraculous happening, but I do know that it was a moment for grace to be shared, for partnerships to be reinforced, and for a group of concerned citizens to make a difference in the life of one needy person.

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