Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An example for the rest of us

Wow, it's Wednesday already.  Is it just me, or is the summer flying by way too quickly.  We shouldn't complain though because finally we have some heat, and the 'lazy days of summer' are upon us.

Yesterday, I met with the family of Edgar Burton, who is famous in these parts for just doing what we all should do.  Some people marvel at what he accomplished in his short life (some 57 years among mortals) especially in favor of the poor and the neglected of this city, but I like to think that he did just what he was supposed to do, just what we all are supposed to do.

Today, as we celebrated his funeral, I spoke about just that: how we are all called to imitate Jesus in feeding the hungry (we used the gospel story of the feeding of the 5000 as the gospel today), even if that means giving away everything we have (for another reference, we took the story of the widow of Zarephath).  In the case of this guy, he put his money where his mouth was too.  He invited his co-workers to contribute one can of food for the needy of the city, and each year for 10 years or so, he asked for 'just one more can'.  As it turns out, he gave birth to one of the most successful food campaigns in Canada, and in the last year or so has branched out to invite school children to collect canned goods for other children who are in need.

As people filed out of the church, I couldn't help wondering whether anyone will now take up the torch that he has lit, and continue the good work he has begun.

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