Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All how you see it

Advertisers have known it for years.  The difference between getting people to buy a widget or not depends on perceptions.  If someone believes that he or she needs a certain good or service, he or she will go to all lengths possible to procure that widget.

Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes, or a fresh brain to tweak the ad, to help us to get results.  Ad executives earn big bucks for the fresh new ideas they generate, so why not a casual passerby who wants to reach out a helping hand?  At times, it can make all the difference.

Changing attitudes can sometimes begin with a fresh look at the present situation, and a fresh pair of eyes to help.  Where are those fresh eyes?  What part of my own perception needs to be tweaked?  How does my sign need to be reworded?

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