Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Graces unseen

Even as a young child, I have always been told that God is present with us at all moments of the day.  At times, we are fortunate enough to have eyes to see the many ways He is close to us and guiding us, accompanying us and walking beside us, but unfortunately, many of us lose these 'eyes' due to the busy pace we adopt.  It all depends on our perspective, and where we put our priorities.  Regardless, it's good to know that once in a while, we are brought face to face with the truth that God is close, no matter whether we admit it or not.

This morning, I found myself surrounded by a small group of collegues who are fast becoming friends.  Although we only spent a very short period of time together, the cameraderie that was evident also belied the truth that all those gathered at that table are people devoted to the good of others.  Service of others, a welcoming spirit, a willingness to share the task and to lend a hand: as long as there is a mixture of dedicaton and sincere love, the work gets done even though it seems not to be arduous.  Instead it is a joy-filled moment of grace for those involved in guidance, as well as to all those who benefit from the decisions that must be made.

The day continued with another meeting, this time with parents of children who are being prepared for the Sacrament of Baptism.  It is customary that adults to be baptised are prepared for this moment of grace which is most often observed in the twilight hours of Holy Saturday, but children can also be baptised either at the Vigil or at one of the liturgies of Easter Sunday.  I suppose we will have an abundance of graces and welcomes being celebrated this weekend, and the anticipatory joy is evident on the faces of the parents who were here this morning.

Even more graces were also evident today.  This afternoon a husband and wife exchanged their promises of love before the Church.  Even though perhaps the human eyes were unable to comprehend the depth of joy and blessing being conveyed, this too was a moment of heart-felt celebration.  In Heaven as on earth, the angels sing.

One of the extraordinary privileges bestowed on priests is the grace to accompany the sinful world as it becomes ever more aware of the reconciliation that is offered, and desired by our loving God.  Moments of reconciliation are often opportunities for even the most skeptical to believe that there is something 'bigger' happening here.

Have you seen graces in motion today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! I have been aware of the presence of many graces throughout the day which in turn makes me realize that many of my prayers have been answered. It is a precious gift to know God really does love me. And I thank Him for all of these treasures.