Sunday, April 10, 2011

Night of tears

Western culture would have us believe that tears are a sign of weakness, and in a competitive environment, weakness must be hidden or denied.  Yet, last night, there were many tears, and none of them were signs of weakness.  Instead they were signs of healing.

There were tears around the bed as a beloved husband and father was surrounded by his family members in a moment of prayer, entrusting him to the loving embrace of God.  There were also tears tonight as one by one the students came to celebrate the sacrament of God's forgiveness, not always an easy thing for humans to admit (our own weakness), nor for us to realize (the infinite mercy of the One who loves without limits).  Oh, and there were yet more tears in store for the ones who watched helplessly as their 'healthy' sister lay lifeless before them.

Tears in so many different locations, on so many diverse occasions, all bringing their own levels of healing.  I wonder if anyone had eyes to see.

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