Thursday, March 1, 2012

Getting to know you

A group of youngsters gathered this evening to continue their preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It's not always easy for these little ones to make their way into such a gathering.  Sometimes they need to be surrounded with familiar faces.  Take for example, one little one who called his grandmother and asked, Can you come with us tonight?

At first, she was a bit hesitant, not wanting to create a precident, but eventually she gave into his request and agreed to accompany him and his mother for just one night. As it turned out, the adults who gathered for this night of formation were asked to move to another location within the building where they would conduct their own discussions, while the children would be led through a series of activities.  This meant that my friend was actually separated from his grandmother, but it turned out that he was happy just to know that she was nearby.

Adults play instrumental roles in the lives of the little ones who look up to us.  At times we don't understand how much, but then again, it only takes a simple question (and a willing heart) to change a little boy's outlook, and perhaps his willingness to learn.  What's important is that even at a tender age, children recognize the adults in their lives who are most significant as role models, and look to them for answers and guidance.  How can we ignore such innocent requests?

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