Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Speaking out

Some would say that we in Canada are lucky to live in the society we do (and they would be right), but freedoms won have to be carefully guarded, for before we know it, some of them may be eroded or even given away.

It's not our policy for priests to be political in the messages we deliver from our pulpits.  In fact partisan politics is frowned upon, but every now and then a brave voice speaks out.  In this case south of the border where one of our confreres speaks to the situation facing the American people.  Standing up for the truths of faith is not an easy thing to do, but for those who do, we give thanks.

Father Sammie Maletta spoke these words at the church of Saint John the Evangelist in Saint John, Indiana.  It was posted on February 5 of this year, shortly after the completion of the weekend liturgies.  Fr. Maletta is also a civil lawyer so his take on the situation is coloured by a knowledge of civil law as well as the faith life of one who follows in the footsteps of Christ.

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