Thursday, September 19, 2013

Condolences to Mexico

The Holy Father sent a telegram of condolence to Mexico today, where there have been countless victims of prolonged extreme bad weather.  The telegram, written on the Pope's behalf by His Eminence, Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, Secretary of State, was sent to His Eminence, Francisco Cardinal Robles Ortega, Archbishop of Guadalajara and President of the Mexican Episcopal Conference.

Telegram of Condolence
sent to His Eminence
Franciso Cardinal Robles Ortega
Archbishop of Guadalajara
President of the Mexican Episcopal Conference

His Holiness, Pope Francis, deeply distressed to learn the dramatic impact of hurricane Ingrid and tropical storm Manuel on your beloved nation, inflicting extensive damage, causing numerous victims and injuries and leaving many families homeless, has offered fervent prayers for the eternal rest of the deceased, while asking God to give His comfort to those who are suffering these serious misfortunes. His Holiness prays for an increase of fraternal bonds among people of good will, so that they will collaborate willingly in the reconstruction of areas affected and effectively come to the assistance of those who are now suffering pain and despair.

The Pope also asks for your kind assistance in transmitting his condolences to the families of the deceased, as well as his paternal closeness to the wounded and the victims, entrusting them to the maternal hands of Our Lady of Guadaloupe while willingly imparting his Apostolic Blessing as a sign of his affection for the dear Mexican people and the heartfelt presence of the Pastor of the universal church especially in such lamentable circumstances.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, STB
Secretary of State of His Holiness

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