Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pope meets with heads of Vatican Offices

Today, in the Sala Bologna in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, Pope Francis met with all the Heads of Dicasteries (the various offices of the Vatican) of the Roman Curia, as well as the President of the Vatican Governatorate and the Cardinal Vicar of Rome.
The Pope had already met personally with each of the Heads of Dicasteries during the past few months and had conducted prolonged exchanges with them on those occasions.  This morning, His Holiness met with all of them together, and chaired the gathering himself, six months into his pontificate.
This morning’s encounter was a further opportunity for listening to the considerations and counsel of the Pope’s principal collaborators in Rome, a further development in the context of the implementation of the suggestions presented by the Cardinals when they were gathered in the Congregations (meetings) in preparation for the Conclave.  This morning’s meeting also permitted the Holy Father an opportunity to share his own reflections on the subject of the governance of the Church, thoughts which will be further developed during the upcoming meeting with the Group of 8 Cardinals at the beginning of October.

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