Thursday, September 5, 2013

Speaking to the Diplomats about the Day of Prayer and Fasting

Yesterday, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State of His Holiness convoked a special meeting of the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Vatican.  The purpose of the meeting was to provide a briefing for the ambassadors concerning the upcoming Day of Prayer and Fasting for Syria which the Holy Father has called for this coming Saturday.

At this morning’s meeting, His Excellency, Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States outlined the details of the upcoming Day of Prayer and Fasting.

Briefing about the Day of Prayer and Fasting
provided to the accredited members of the Diplomatic Corps
by His Excellency, Dominique Mamberti
Secretary for Relations with States

I greet His Excellency the Head of the Diplomatic Corps and all the Ambassadors who are present, and I thank you for your presence here.  I particularly appreciate your courteous response to our invitation because it was issued only yesterday.  Today’s gathering is intended to be a new expression of the solicitude of His Holiness, Pope Francis and of the Holy See for peace in the world, with special attention toward the Middle East and in particular toward Syria, a concern which we witnessed in the eloquent and moving words spoken by the Holy Father prior to the recitation of the Angelus last Sunday.

The Pope’s heartfelt plea portrays the desire for peace which comes from every corner of the world, from the heart of every man of good will.  In the concrete historical situation, marked by violence and war in so many places, the voice of the Pope rises in a particularly grave and delicate moment of prolonged conflict in Syria, which has already witnessed too much suffering, devastation and pain, augmented by the many innocent victims of the attacks perpetrated on August 21 of this year, which gave rise to the world’s public horror and concern for the consequences of the possible use of chemical weapons.  Faced with the facts, we cannot be silent, and the Holy See hopes that the relevant institutions will make it clear that those who are responsible must account for their actions as a matter of justice.  These deplorable actions have sparked reactions from all parts of the international arena.  The Holy Father for his part has already stated firmly that there is a judgment of God and of history upon our actions which is inescapable (Angelus, 1 September 2013), reiterating the fact that violence can never be a means to peace, rather that violence creates violence!

Since the beginning of the conflict, the Holy See has heard the cry for help that has arisen from the Syrian people, in particular from the Christians, not failing immediately to clearly demonstrate its position characterized, as in other cases, by consideration for the human person – regardless of his or her ethnicity or religion – and by the pursuit of the common good of society.  We need only recall the heartfelt appeals of Pope Benedict XVI in his Messages Urbi et orbi and in his discourses with the Diplomatic Corps.  Many times, he called for an end to a conflict that will see no winners, but only losers (Speech to the Diplomatic Corps, 7 January 2013), recalling the need for open constructive dialogue between all parties in order to foster the help of humanitarian aid for the sake of the affected population.  In addition, it should be remembered that he expressed a desire to send a delegation of Bishops and Cardinals to Syria in order to demonstrate his pastoral care, on the occasion of a meeting of the Synod of Bishops, an initiative which subsequently had to be replaced with a visit to the region by His Eminence, Cardinal Robert Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum.  From the beginning of his Pontificate, Pope Francis has also made reference on many occasions to the situation in Syria, as early as his first Easter Message Urbi et orbi, less than a month after his election, in which he asked how much suffering must still be inflicted before a political solution to the crisis is found?  The Pope again expressed his preoccupation, particularly in his discourse with the participants at a coordination meeting between the various Catholic aid organizations who are working in the context of the crisis in Syria.  On 5 June 2013 and again in the Angelus on 25 August, His Holiness raised his voice: because there are rumours of weapons in a war between brothers which has seen the proliferation of massacres and atrocious acts.  On this matter, the Holy Father has spoken with various religious and political leaders of countries, the most recent being King Abdullah II of Jordan.  In addition, there have been repeated interventions by the Vatican’s Permanent Observers to the United Nations both in New York and in Geneva, as well as other statements issued by the Press Office, repeating the positions clearly stated by Popes.  Even the Apostolic Nuncio in Damascus, His Excellency, Mario Zenari, has reiterated the Holy See’s position on several occasions and has remained at his post, demonstrating the solicitude and closeness of the Holy Father to the beloved Syrian people.  In this way, we have noted all the dramatic consequences of the conflict, which has left more than 110,000 dead, innumerable injured, more than 4 million internally displaced persons and mre than two million refugees in neighbouring countries.

In the face of this tragic situation, an absolute priority comes to light: the need for the ceasing of violence which continues to sow death and destruction and which is likely to involve not only other countries in the region, but also will have unpredictable consequences in other parts of the world.  To the appeal made to all parties concerned to not close themselves in on their own interests but to courageously and decisively undertake whatever means necessary to promote a culture of meeting and negotiation, thus overcoming blind opposition, an added cry calls out to the International Community, urging them to do everything within their power to promote, without further delay, clear initiatives for peace in that nation, based always on dialogue and negotiation.

Along with the commitment to the cessation of violence, which is of greatest importance, we must also emphasize the need and urgency for respect of human rights.  Among other things, there is an urgent need for humanitarian assistance to most of the population and in this regard, I wish to thank you for the generosity of so many of your governments in favor of the suffering Syrian people.  The Catholic Church is committed on the front lines with all the means at her disposition to furnishing humanitarian assistance to those in need, both Christian and non-Christian.  I should also mention some elements which the Holy See considers important for an eventual plan for the future of Syria, elements which you will find also in the documentation which was provided to you.

Among the general principles that should guide the search for a just solution to the conflict, I would point out the following three:

First, it is essential that we strive for the restoration of dialogue between the relevant parties and for the reconciliation of the Syrian people.

We must also preserve the unity of the country, avoiding the creation of different zones for the various components of society.

Finally, we must guarantee, along with the unity of the country, also its territorial integrity.

It will be important that we ask all groups - in particular those who aim to hold positions of responsibility within the country - to offer guarantees that within the Syria of tomorrow, there will be places for everyone, especially for minorities, including Christians.  The concrete application of this principle may take various forms, but in every case, the importance of respect for human rights must not be forgotten, particularly the right to religious liberty.  Likewise, it is important to keep as a reference the concept of citizenship, according to which everyone, regardless of ethnicity or religion, is a citizen with equal dignity, with equal rights and responsibilities, free to publicly profess his or her own religion and to contribute to the common good (cf. Benedict XVI, Speech to the Diplomatic Corps, 7 January 2013).  Finally, there is cause for particular preoccupation about the growing presence in Syria of extremist groups, especially coming from other countries.  It is therefore of utmost importance that we exhort the population and other opposing groups to distance themselves from these extremists, to isolate them and to oppose openly and clearly all manifestations of terrorism.

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