Thursday, August 7, 2014

A renewed call for peace in Iraq

The Holy Father is following very closely the dramatic events currently unfolding in northern Iraq, with special interest in the well being of the population as a whole.  Particularly at risk are the members of the Christian community: a people who are fleeing from their hometowns and villages as a result of the violence which is currently being enacted in that region.

During the prayer of the Angelus on July 20 of this year, Pope Francis painfully exclaimed: our brothers are being persecuted, they are being driven out, they have to leave their homeland without even the possibility of taking anything along with them. To these families and these persons, I want to express my closeness and my constant prayer.  Dear brothers and sisters who are suffering so much persecution, I know how much you are suffering.  I know that you have been stripped of everything.  I am united with you in faith in Him who has won victory over evil.

In the light of these agonizing events, the Holy Father renews his spiritual closeness to those who are experiencing this painful trial and is united with the calls being issued by the local Bishops, asking, together with them and for the sake of their suffering Communities, that a unified song of prayer be issued by all the Church invoking from the Holy Spirit the gift of peace.

His Holiness also calls upon the members of the International Community, asking that, taking steps to put an end to the human tragedy which is currently unfolding, we may work to protect those who are affected by or threatened by violence, ensuring all necessary aid especially in cases which are most urgent and for the sake of so many who have been displaced and now rely on the goodness of others.

The Pope calls upon the consciences of each and every believer, repeating the words: May the God of peace inspire in all people an authentic desire  for dialogue and reconciliation.  Violence can never be overcome by violence.  Violence can only be overcome by peace!  Let us pray in silence, asking for peace; everyone, in silence ... Mary, Queen of peace, pray for us! (Angelus, July 20, 2014).

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