Friday, August 28, 2015

God's gift of love

This evening, we celebrated the wedding of two of our parishioners.  We have been privileged to share a number of the steps in their journey, and so it is fitting that we should also be present to celebrate the day when they proclaim their love for one another and pray for the strength to live from this day onward as husband and wife.

Homily for the wedding of Kevin Dionne and Cindy Grasser

In preparation for today’s celebration, I asked Kevin and Cindy to choose the readings that have just been proclaimed.  I find it interesting that they chose this particular passage from the book of Genesis because it describes a journey that was undertaken by Abraham’s servant to find Rebekah (Gn 24:48-49), the difficulty that Rebekah’s family had with letting go of her (Gn 24:55), a blessing that they prayed over her (Gn 24:60) and a return journey that brought Rebekah and Isaac together (Gn 24:61-67).

The relationship that has developed between Kevin and Cindy has also been a journey of sorts.  Together, they have experienced joys and challenges.  They have learned from one another, they have grown in their ability and willingness to support one another, and we who call Saint Peter’s our parish home have also had the great privilege to accompany them during a part of this journey, when Cindy came to the Church and asked us to help her learn about what it means to be part of this faith community.

Today, we have gathered in this place of prayer to pray for you, Kevin and Cindy.  I’m told that just a few days ago, Kevin even called Cindy’s mom to ask her for her daughter’s hand in marriage.  Like Rebekah’s parents (spoken of in the Book of Genesis), Kevin and Cindy’s family members are here today to pray for them, to ask the Lord to accompany them on their journey and to grant them the gift of truly knowing how much they are loved.

Saint John reminds us today that love is from God, a special gift that God gives to his people.  God has loved each of us at every moment of our lives; because he has loved us, he has also taught us how to love.  In fact, everyone who loves is begotten of God and knows God (1 Jn 4:7).  The road that lies ahead will not always be smooth; there will always be challenges, but if you have discovered the gift of love that has brought you together and if you continue every day to believe that this gift is the glue that holds you together; if you continue every day to pray for each other and to believe that your parents, your family members, your friends and your parish community is also praying for you, you will also be able to rely on our prayers to help you always to believe that God’s love is living and active in your marriage.

Pray for each other every day of your marriage and never forget the words that Jesus speaks to you today: As the Father loves me, so I also love you.  Remain in my love (Jn 15:9).  God’s love for his beloved children knows no limits, just like your love for William, Jonathon and Elizabeth knows no limit.  When Jesus shared the secret of remaining in God’s love, he knew that the reward for staying connected to God’s love is that his joy would be in us, and our joy would be complete (Jn 15:11).  Joy is the sign that convinces us that God is indeed living among us.  Joy is the sign that Jesus is part of every relationship we have.  Joy is the indication that we have discovered the love of God and are able to share that love with others whose journeys cross paths with ours.

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