Thursday, March 24, 2011

Trust in the right things

Young children learn how to read if the adults in their lives make a point of reading to them.  Introducing kids to the world of books and stories helps them to build effective imaginatons and also to learn some very valuable lessons.   Remember the first fables you ever read (or had read to you)?  All fables carry lessons with them, and most of them carry some deep wisdom too.

Perhaps some would say that Jesus' stories also belong to the realm of fables, but the truths about life that are revealed through these stories still speak eloquently to the heart today, if we are daring enough to allow ourselves to admit that these are not lifeless stories, but life-giving truths.

Today's gospel passage places us with Jesus surrounded by Pharisees: those who put great store on external appearances, but didn't necessarily pay as much attention to the internal realities.  In modern-day parlance, these were the guys who led hollow lives par-excellence.  Instead, Jesus challenged his disciples to life to the full.  People who live life to the full often have little or no time for preoccupations with external or tangible riches.  Instead, those who are the most real people place greatest store in invisible, intangible realities that are the keys to being real: honesty, love, simplicity and vulnerability.  These realities can't be measured by earthly standards, but they do make for some people of real substance.

What wonderful disciples they make too.

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