Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chaos, confusion or creativity

Getting ready for Christmas is already a busy time, but amid the other activities that occupy our time, there is always room for a surprise or two.

Last night, we held one of the practice sessions for little ones who will take part in the Christmas pagent at the first of our Masses for Christmas Eve.  This is always a wonderful time for seeing creativity at work.  While children with amazing musical talent bustled about arranging their music, and adults sat patiently waiting to begin the music practice, other realities were unfolding in another part of the church.

Little ones (some as young as three years old) were getting ready for the procession which will take place.  Each of them will have a 'job' to do.  Each of them will play an important part in telling the story of the first Christmas.  The wonderful thinig about working with children of this age is that they are like sponges, taking in the instructions they are given, and eagerly accepting their responsibilities.

In just over a week's time, other children of all ages will be here.  I wonder if they too will soak in the experience.

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