Wednesday, December 21, 2011

When voices combine

In posts recent, I've recounted tales of students who are 'getting into the spirit', but ours are not the only ones who have discovered a bit of the magic of the season of Christmas.  It seems that deep within each of us is a wish for happiness and peace, and what better way to prepare for the joy of Christmas than to prepare the places necessary for the festivities to take place.

The Carlson School of Management is a place where students learn the finer points of running a business, but just for a moment, all of the books and studies were put aside and as though by mere coincidence, the students combined their efforts with those of the teachers, custodians and even the campus security team to create a bit of Christmas cheer.  Have a look:

Luckily for us, schools are not the only place where the spirit of Christmas seems to be catching on.  In at least one of the malls, the other mecas where people seem to gather by the thousands, worshipping the god of merchandise seems to have been replaced (albeit for just a moment) by a renewed sense of the true beauty and wonder of Christ who came among us.  Check it out.

Four more sleeps to go!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Absolutely beautiful - had me in tears!