Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last minute preparations

The day began before the sun had crested the horizon.  Computers were on, emails were being sent and received, last-minute details were being tended to, all in preparation for the period of vacation that will begin in just a few days' time.

In the midst of the frenzy, there was a moment of peace and serenity today; a reminder that beneath all the preparations lies the true reason for the torrid pace at which we seem to be operating these days.  The paradox is that all this hype leads us to a time of welcoming the One who came among us so many centuries ago to bring us peace.

For more years than many of us can count, God's people have waited.  Our waiting is therefore a continuation of a tradition that has been passed down to us from ancestors in faith who walked this land, who themselves heard the call of the child God and who watched and waited for his coming.

This morning, I celebrated a Mass with the staff at the Board Office (the SCDSB that is).  Along with the staff members, a group of students from St. Charles College were in attendance.  Apparently, their original plan was to sing some Christmas Carols for the Board staff, but then they discovered that there would be a Mass celebrated, so they agreed to join us, and to add their voices to the others who would sing and pray together.

What a wonderful surprise.  These girls brought with them their gift of song, and witnessed for us the hard work that they have been doing in preparation for this festive season.  Their voices rang out to not only our ears but our hearts as well: evidence of the seeds of faith that have been planted and which are now germinating.

We even borrowed one of the hymns for today's liturgy from the Baptist tradition: evidence that all of us have gifts to bring to the table.  From this table, we receive the food that is our God, to strengthen us in faith so that we can continue to proclaim the good news that we have heard.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Beautiful service and celebration today!... and I learned something new...
O Antiphons!
Thanks Father Tony!