Thursday, February 28, 2013

My dearest brothers

Here is an unofficial translation of the remarks which were exchanged earlier today between His Holiness, Benedict XVI and his brother Cardinals.

Address of His Holiness, Benedict XVI
Shared with his brother Cardinals
Sala Clementina, Vatican City
Thursday morning, February 28, 2013

With great joy I greet you, and extend to each of you my most cordial greetings.  I wish to thank Cardinal Angelo Sodano who, as always, has managed to interpret and transmit the sentiments of the entire College: Cor ad cor loquitur (in heart-to-heart speech).  Thank you, Your Eminence, with all my heart.  And I wish to say – returning to the reference to the experience of the disciples at Emmaus – that also for me, it has been a great joy to journey with you during these past years, in the light of and the presence of the risen Lord.

As I said yesterday before the thousands of faithful who filled Saint Peter’s Square, your closeness and your counsel have been a great help to me in my ministry.  In these eight years, we have lived some beautiful moment of light which has radiated in the pilgrimage of the Church, with faith and conviction; along with some moments when clouds gathered threateningly in the skies.  We have attempted to serve Christ in his Church with profound and total love, which is the soul of our ministry.  We have given hope, the gift of Christ which alone can illumine the way before us.  Together, we can thank the Lord who strengthens the bonds of communion between us, and together, we pray that he will help us to continue growing in unity, so that the College of Cardinals, which is like an orchestra where diversity – a true expression of the universal Church – will always be attuned to the superior and unanimous harmony.

I would like to leave you a simple thought, which is very heartfelt: a thought about the Church, about her mystery, that represents for all of us – we might say – life’s rationale and passion.  My parting thought is inspired by an expression used by Roman Guardini, written during the year in which the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council were approving the Constitution Lumen Gentium, in his final book, along with a personal commitment from me, since the words of this book are particularly dear to me.  Guardini says: The Church is not an institution devised and constructed with physical materials … but a living reality.  She lives throughout the course of time, becoming like every living being, transformed.  Also, her nature remains always the same, and her heart is Christ.  It seems to me that this is what we experienced, yesterday on the Piazza: we saw that the Church is a living body, enlivened by the Holy Spirit and truly living by the strength of God.  She is in the world but not of the world: she is of God, of Christ, of the Spirit.  I saw it yesterday.  In this, there is also truth in another of Guardini’s expressions: The Church reawakens the soul.  The Church lives, grows and is reawakened in the soul that – like the Virgin Mary – welcomes the Word of God and treasures it through the working of the Holy Spirit; offering to God her body and conscious of her poverty and humility, becoming capable of presenting Christ to the world today.  Throughout the Church, the Mystery of the Incarnation remains always prensent.  Christ continues his pilgrimage throughout the passage of time to all the corners of the world. 

Dear Brothers, let us be always united in this Mystery: in prayer, especially in the daily celebration of the Eucharist; let us continue to serve the Church and all humanity.  This is our joy, which no one can take from us.

Before personally greeting each of you, I wish to assure you that I will always be close to you in prayer, especially in these next days, so that you may be fully and completely docile to the workings of the Holy Spirit during the election of the new Pope.  May the Lord point out to you the one who He desires, and through you, through the College of Cardinals, there will also be a future Pope to whom I have already promised my unconditional and reverent obedience.  Having said this, with affection and gratitude, I impart my heartfelt Apostolic Blessing.

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