Thursday, February 14, 2013

South Africa, 1

Into the blue - January 16, 2013
Thisi is the first in a series of articles written during my recent travel to South Africa.  The dates of travel are listed at the top of each post, along with the title.  I hope that you have as much fun reading about this trip as we did living it.

Sorry, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.  They took so long to remove the ice from the tips of my wings when I was ready to leave Schippol earlier today that I've only just arrived in Toronto.  I hope that the new guests who are coming aboard will understand the reason for our delay.

Perhaps we can make up a bit of time on the way home but first we need to clean the cabins and get them ready.  While the pantry is refilled and the outbound crew come aboard to prepare the next adventure, I wonder where these new passengers are headed.

The check-in and ground crews tell me that there are some who will be carrying on from Amsterdam all the way to Johannesburg - on the other side of the equator!  That means that this first leg of the journey will be the shorter of the two; luckily for them, they won't have long to wait for their connecting flight but I'm sure that by the time they have completed their journey, they wll be tired.  Travel is always wearing on humans.

My colleagues and I will do everything we can to be sure that their journey unfolds as smoothly as possible.

As soon as all the baggage is loaded we'll be ready to go.  In the meanwhile, there's just enough time for a last check on the fuel levels, that nasty stain on the rug in the aisle at row 35 and the final counts of the catering to go over; then we'll welcome our new friends aboard and before they realize what's happening we'll be off the ground and into the blue.

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