Wednesday, May 15, 2013

On the work of the Holy Spirit

This morning's General Audience was held at 10:30am in Saint Peter's Square, where the Holy Father, Pope Francis met with various groups of pilgrims and faithful who had come from different parts of Italy and many parts of the world.

During his catechesis, spoken in Italian, the Holy Father continued the cycle of teachings dedicated to the Year of Faith, adding his meditation on the theme I believe in the Holy Spirit: guide to the truth.

Following the synthesis of His Holiness' address, delivered in various languages, the Pope spoke particular greetings to the groups who were present.  The General Audience concluded with the singing of the Pater Noster and the Apostolic Blessing. 

Catechesis of His Holiness, Pope Francis
for the General Audience
On the work of the Holy Spirit

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning.

Today I would like to dwell on the action that the Holy Spirit performs in guiding the Church and each of us to the Truth. Jesus himself says to his disciples: the Holy Spirit will guide you into all the truth (Jn 16:13), being himself the Spirit of Truth (cf. Jn 14:17; 15:26; 16:13).

We live in an age in which people are rather sceptical towards the truth. Benedict XVI has spoken many times of relativism, of the tendency, that is, to believe that there is nothing definitive and to think that the truth comes from consent or from what we want. The question arises: does the truth really exist? What is the truth? Can we know it? Can we find it? Here I am reminded of the question of the Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate when Jesus reveals to him the profound meaning of his mission: What is truth? (Jn 18:37.38). Pilate fails to understand that the Truth is in front of him, he fails to see in Jesus the face of truth, which is the face of God. Yet, Jesus is just that: the Truth that, in the fullness of time, became flesh (Jn 1:1.14), that came among us so that we might we know it. The truth cannot be grasped like an object, the truth has to be encountered. It is not a possession; it is an encounter with a Person.

But who will allow us to recognize that Jesus is the Word of truth, the only begotten Son of God the Father? St. Paul teaches that no one can say: 'Jesus is Lord!' except by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3). It is the Holy Spirit, the gift of the risen Christ, who makes us recognize the Truth. Jesus calls him the Paraclete, that is he who comes to help, who is on our side to support us on this journey of knowledge; and, during the Last Supper, Jesus assures his disciples that the Holy Spirit will teach them all things, reminding them of his words (cf. Jn 14:26).

Then what is the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the life of the Church which leads us to the truth? First of all, the Holy Spirit reminds believers and imprints in their hearts the words that Jesus said, and precisely through these words, God's law – as the prophets of the Old Testament had announced – is inscribed in our hearts and becomes in us a principle for evaluating our choices and a guide in daily actions, it becomes the principle of life. The great prophecy of Ezekiel is fulfilled: I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols, I will give you a new heart, I will put within you a new spirit ... I will put my spirit within you and I will make you follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances (36:25-27).  In fact, it is from the depths of ourselves that our actions are born: it is the heart that must convert to God, and the Holy Spirit transforms it if we open ourselves to Him.

The Holy Spirit, then, as Jesus promised, guides us into all the truth (Jn 16:13); he helps us not only to encounter Jesus, the fullness of Truth, but also guides us into the Truth, makes us enter into an ever more profound communion with Jesus himself, giving us understanding of the things of God. And we cannot achieve this by our own strength. If God does not enlighten us inwardly, our being Christians will be superficial. The Tradition of the Church states that the Spirit of truth acts in our hearts by arousing that sense of the faith (sensus fidei) through which, as the Second Vatican Council affirms, the People of God, under the guidance of the Magisterium, adheres indefectibly to the faith transmitted, deepens it with right judgment and applies it more fully in life (cf. Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 12). Let us ask ourselves: am I open to the action of the Holy Spirit, do I pray for it to give me light, to make me more sensitive to the things of God? This is a prayer we must make every day: Holy Spirit, make my heart be open to the Word of God, that my heart may be open to good, that my heart may be open to the beauty of God everyday. I would like to ask you a question: how many of you pray to the Holy Spirit every day? Probably few, but we must satisfy this desire of Jesus and pray every day to the Holy Spirit, so that he opens our hearts toward Jesus.

Let us think of Mary, who kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (Lk 2:19.51). The welcoming of the words and truths of faith in order that they may become life, happens and grows under the action of the Holy Spirit. In this sense we must learn from Mary, reliving her Yes, her total willingness to receive the Son of God in her life, which from that moment onwards is transformed. Through the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son come to dwell in us: we live in God and of God. But is our life truly inspired by God? How many things do I put before God?

Dear brothers and sisters, we need to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the light of the Holy Spirit, so that he may bring us into the Truth of God, who is the only Lord of our lives. In this Year of Faith let us ask ourselves if we have taken any concrete steps to know more about Christ and the truth of the faith, by reading and meditating on the Scripture, studying the Catechism, approaching the Sacraments with constancy. But let us ask ourselves at the same time, what steps are we taking so that faith may guide all our existence. One isn't a Christian on a part time basis, at certain moments, in certain circumstances, in some choices. One cannot be a Christian like this. One is a Christian at all times!  Totally! The truth of Christ, which the Holy Spirit teaches us and gives life to us, forever and totally affecting our daily lives. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit more often so that he may guide us on the road of the disciples of Christ. Let us invoke him every day. I make this proposal to you: let us invoke the Holy Spirit every day, and the Holy Spirit will draw us closer to Jesus Christ. Thank you!

Following the syntheses of the above catechesis, given in various languages, the Holy Father spoke greetings to various linguistic groups of pilgrims who were present for today's General Audience.  Here is a translation of the words he spoke to English-speaking pilgrims:

I am pleased to greet the many English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Scotland, Sweden, Australia, India, Vietnam, Canada and the United States. As the Church prepares to celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, I pray that his gifts of wisdom, joy and peace will accompany you and your families along the path of authentic Christian discipleship. God bless you all!

Before concluding his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis announced his intention to visit the Marian Shrine of Bonaria, located in Cagliari, Sardegna. The Marian Shrine is the namesake of the Holy Father’s birthplace, the city of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

While greeting the Italian pilgrims from Sardegna, Pope Francis stated his wish to visit the shrine due to the brotherhood that exists between Cagliari and his native Buenos Aires.

Pedro de Mendoza, who founded it on February 2, 1536, dedicated the city to Our Lady, Holy Mary of the Buon Ayre (Fair Winds), keeping a promise made to the Patroness of Navigators. Later on, when the city was resettled by Juan de Garay in 1580, a compromise was made in naming the city.
The founders that established [Buenos Aires] wished to name it the city of Holy Spirit, Pope Francis explained. But the sailors, who had brought the founders there, were Sardinians and wanted it to be named the city of the Madonna of the Buon Aria. There was a dispute between them and in the end they negotiated and [...] the name of the city is very long; it is called the Ciudad de la Santísima Trinidad y Puerto de Santa María del Buen Aire (City of the Holy Trinity and Port of Saint Mary of Fair Winds), but it was so long that only the last words remained: Fair Winds, Buon Aria, Buenos Aires, but it is due to your Madonna.

As of yet, the Holy See has not announced further details on the Holy Father’s schedule for the upcoming Apostolic Visit.

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