Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Prayer to Our Lady of Cobre

Last evening, the Holy Father visited the Shine of Our Lady of Charity at El Cobre (Cuba).  Here is a translation of the prayer he recited, together with the bishops and the members of the papal party who accompanied him.

Prayer of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to the Virgin of Charity of Cobre

Our Lady of Charity
Patroness of Cuba!
Hail Mary, full of grace!
You are the beloved daughter of the Father,
Mother of Christ, our God,
the living temple of the Spirit.

Carry in your name, Our Lady of Charity,
the memory of the God who is Love,
the memory of the new commandment of Jesus,
the invocation of the Holy Spirit:
love poured into our hearts,
fire of charity,
sent on Pentecost over the Church,
gift of full freedom to the children of God.

Blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus!
You came to visit our town
and you desired to stay with us
as Mother and Lady of Cuba
on our journey
along the paths of history.

Your name and your image are carved
into the minds and hearts of all Cubans
inside and outside this country
as a sign of hope
and a reassurance of fraternal communion.
Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother!

Pray for us to your Son, Jesus Christ,
intercede for us with your maternal heart
flooded with the love of the Spirit.
Increase our faith,
enliven our hope
increase and strengthen your love within us.

Protect our families,
protect young people and children,
comfort those who are suffering.
Be a Mother to the faithful,
and to the pastors of the Church,
a model and a star of the new evangelization.

Mother of Reconciliation!
Gather your people, scattered throughout the world.
Make the Cuban nation
a home of brothers and sisters
so that this people will open wide
their minds, their hearts and their lives to Christ,
the only Saviour and Redeemer,
who lives and reigns with the Father
and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.  Amen.

The Holy Father then lit a candle in front of the statue of the Virgin and presented a gift to the Our Lady.  Then the Holy Father continued his prayer:

Stay with us Lord,
be with us even though
we do not always recognize you.
Stay with us, for you are the Way,
the Truth and the Life.

Remain in our families,
enlighten them and sustain them in their difficulties.
Stay with our children and our youth,
in them, there is hope
and the wealth of our country.
Stay close to those who suffer,
comfort them and protect them.

Stay with us Lord,
when doubts arise,
fatigue and difficulties;
enlighten our minds with your word;
feed us with the Bread of Life
which we offer in every Eucharist;
help us to know the joy of believing in you.

Stay Lord
with the community of your disciples.
Renew in us the gift of your love.
Encourage us and keep us in fidelity
so that we may announce with joy to all people
that you have raised us,
and that you have given us the mission
to be your witnesses.

May Mary of Charity,
a disciple and a missionary,
Mother of all, accompany us and protect us.  Amen.

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