Thursday, September 15, 2016

Speaking with the Italian Biblical Association

At 12:00noon today, in the Sala Clementina at the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father, Pope Francis received in audience members of the Italian Biblical Association who are marking the occasion of National Bible Week.

Address of His Holiness, Pope Francis
to members of the
Italian Biblical Association

Dear friends,

I am happy to meet with you on the occasion of the National Bible Week, organized by the Italian Biblical Association. I thank the President for his kind words and I warmly welcome all those present, in particular Cardinal Bassetti, Cardinal Betori and Cardinal Ravasi.

The subject on which you have worked is Let us Fashion the Human Being … Masculine and Feminine: Declensions of the Man-Woman Polarity in the Scriptures. To do so, you reflected on some aspects of the relationship between man and woman, beginning from some basic biblical texts.  Saint John Paul II reflected at length on this argument, in a memorable series of Catecheses in the first part of his Pontificate. Commenting on the first account of Creation, during a Catechesis last year I also was able to stress how after creating the universe and all living beings, God created His masterpiece, namely, the human being, whom He made in His own image: in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27)” (General Audience, April 15, 2015).

It is essential to reflect on how we were created, formed in the image and likeness of the Creator, on our difference from other creatures and from the whole of Creation. This helps us to understand the dignity we all, men and women, have; a dignity that has its roots in the Creator Himself. It has always struck me that our dignity is in fact that of being children of God, and in the course of Scripture this relationship is manifested in the fact that He guides us as a Father guides his children. In the second account of Creation, it appears that God made us in a craftsman-like way, molding us from the mud of the earth, that is, God’s hands were committed in our life. He created us not only with His word, but also with His hands and His life-giving breath, almost as if to say that God’s whole being was involved in giving life to the human being.

However, the possibility exists that this dignity, conferred on us by God, can be degraded. To say it in soccer words, man has the capacity to make an own goal. This happens when we negotiate our dignity, when we embrace idolatry, when we make a place in our heart for the experience of idols. During the exodus from Egypt, when the people were tired because Moses delayed in coming down from the mountain, they were tempted by the devil and made an idol for themselves (cf Exodus 32). And gold was the idol. All idols have something of gold! This makes us think of the attractive force of riches, of the fact that man loses his dignity when riches take God’s place in his heart.

Instead, God has given us the dignity of being His children. A question stems from this: how can I share this dignity, so that it develops in a positive reciprocity? How can I make other people feel worthy? How can I infect them with dignity? When someone scorns, segregates, discriminates, he does not infect with dignity, but with the opposite. It will do us good to ask ourselves often: how do I assume my dignity? How do I make it grow? And it will also do us good to examine ourselves to discover if and when we do not infect our neighbour with dignity.

Dear brothers and sisters, I thank you for the precious work you do and I assure you of my prayer. And please, do not forget to pray for me. Thank you.

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