Monday, February 24, 2020

Greetings to members of the Pro Petri Sede Association

At 9:00am local time this morning (3:00am EST) in the Consistory Hall at the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father, Pope Francis received in audience the members of the Pro Petri Sede Association who are in Rome for their traditional pilgrimage.

Greetings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
offered to the members of the
Pro Petri Sede Association

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am happy to welcome you ad to meet with you, members of the Pro Petri Sede Association, during your pilgrimage to Rome.  Like Saint Peter, you have come here, guided by your love for Christ.  And as you pray at the tomb of him who spilled his blood for his Master and Saviour, you are carrying out an act of faith that allows you to spiritually rejuvenate yourselves.

This pilgrimage is also an occasion for you to offer your financial and spiritual support for the social and charitable works associated with my pastoral charge and the activities of the Holy See.  By following in the footsteps of your predecessors, you are participating in the missionary action of the Church which is fighting for the integral human development of all persons.  In fact, the human person must always be defended and protected in his integrity and his dignity regardless of his origin or social status.

In the frantic race for power, for careers, for honours or for power, the weak and the small are sometimes ignored and rejected. In fact, In the frenzy of running, of achieving everything right now, anyone left behind is viewed as a nuisance. And considered disposable. How many elderly, unborn, disabled and poor persons are considered useless (Homily, November 17, 2019). This is why, the Church, by advocating the preferential option for the poor, relies on men and women of good will and steeped in the Gospel to bring the peace and joy of the Risen Christ to everyone in need. Through your charitable contribution to the life of the Church, you become the salt and the light (cf Mt 5: 13-14) which help so many people to rediscover a taste for life.

Dear friends, I express my gratitude to you for your constant support for my responsibility as successor to Saint Peter. Today, we face several challenges that concern the human family and its common home. At the heart of our concerns, we have the cry of distress of people who are suffering from war, displacement, poverty and the degradation of the ecosystem, among others. It is urgent that the exploitation of the poor should end! There is an urgent need to end the atrocities in war-torn and conflict-ridden countries that throw many people out onto the road to exile!

I would like to insist on the safeguarding of our common home by launching, once again, the call for ecological conversion. Your testimony of Christian life, which manifests itself through your generosity and your attention to others, invites us all today to fight against the generalized climate of individualism, selfishness and indifference, which threaten peace as well between humans and the environment.

I invite you to remain firm in your convictions and in your faith, to be a flame that brings hope to the hearts of the men and women of today! Like Saint Peter, step out with courage and share this great love that Christ has revealed to us!

Entrusting each of you and your families, as well as all the members of your Association to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, to Saint peter and to the saints of your country, I willingly grant you my Apostolic blessing.  And please, don't forget to pray for me!  Thank you!
Testo originale nella lingua italiana
Texte en français

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