Friday, April 16, 2010

Faces of

When Mother Theresa began her minstry among the poorest of the poor in the streets of Calcutta, she said that she simply walked the streets, located a person who was dying on the side of the road, and held on to him. She knew nothing more about him (other than that he was a human being and that he was dying), but this did not stop her from daring to show him just a hint of love, acceptance and care.

Each day of her life, for the rest of her life, she continued to reach out to welcome the poorest of the poor, for she believed that in each of them, she saw the face of God. Each time she held one of them, she held the suffering Christ. Each time she fed one of them, she fed the Lord. Each time she welcomed one who knocked at her door, she made room in her life for the Master who was also seeking help.

Mother showed all of us that it might not be possible for us to do great things, but we can all do little things with great love, and that makes all the difference. Each of us has an opportunity (at least one) every day to make a difference in someone else's life (or maybe even in our own!). All it takes is a pair of eyes that look at the world with love, a pair of feet willing to walk the roads of our lives, a pair of hands ready to aleviate another's burdens, and a heart that is ready to love. In all the faces that come in and out of our lives, we have the possibility to see the face of God.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful post. It was a reminder for me when I travel that we are not all so different when I know the presence of God is in each of us. This is especially helpful when I have to humble myself, ask for forgiveness and do the next right thing when I have done something wrong (poorly communicate a point, lack of attention to other people perspectives,...).