Monday, March 14, 2011

One minute there ...

Over the past few days, news has been pouring in (all over the world) about the ravages being uncovered after the devastating sub-oceanic earthquake(s), for there have been aftershocks up to this past morning causing repeats of the tsunami waves that first hit the coast of Japan on Friday.

Among the situations being watched the most closely is the nuclear power plant that has already seen two blasts and may possibly be facing a third.

Each day brings new images that appear on the news as well as by other means, including a comparative study of satellite images (courtesy of the folk at the New York Times) portraying some of the areas of Japan which have experienced the devastation of the natural disaster.

From half way around the world, it's difficult to comprehend the extent of damage, but even from this distance, sympathy for the suffering and empathy for those who are still struggling to comprehend what has taken place lead us to take action in some way or other.  For some, this action takes the form of reaching out concretely to help in some way; for others this help is offered on a spiritual plain.  One thing is certain, the world has considerably shrunk thanks to technology and we are more aware than ever before that we are all brothers and sisters, suffering together, rejoicing together and finding ways each day to grow together in our understanding of our shared transit through this existence.

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