Saturday, November 26, 2011

Whose calling

In our modern-day society, we have become somewhat over-vigilant about protectinig our privacy.  Alarm systems are rather common place in our homes, in our automobiles and in our places of work.  Because of the ever-present telemarketer, new features such as Call Display have been added to our phones, and even the world of instant messaging has added new realities to the way we interact with one another.

Invented in the name of protection and ease of communication, some of these methods have actually created a sub-culture all their own, but there is always and forever the tried and true custom of physically visiting with friends.  Sometimes these are planned, but at other times they are rather impromptu, and these often turn out to be the best encounters.

Friends who drop in, announced or otherwise, bring with them a wealth of stories and experiences.  The telling of stories and the creation of tales is the stuff of memories, the mortar that cements a friendship.

All of this is possible if we are willing to open the doors of our lives to one another, but none of it is happening if we don't answer the call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like uninvited guests knocking at my door and wishing to come in and share some time with me and my family. It lets me know that they want to spend time with us, not just answering an invitation they may or may not want to answer. In other words, they may be coming because they feel obligated, or they don't have the courage to say "No, not this time" when they really want to refuse. Uninvited guests are special if they feel comfortable coming at anytime, and expecting anything. They take us as we really are. I really like that. And if they make themselves at home and help with some of the entertaining tasks, wow, that is wonderful!