Friday, October 9, 2015

A song of praise

Today, we said goodbye to another of our beloved brothers, but not before we knelt together in prayer to thank our God for all that we have been able to experience, love and celebrate together with him.

Funeral homily for Roger Trahan

The Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that for everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven (Ecc 3:1).  As we gather here today to celebrate our brother Roger’s birthday in heaven, we look back at the decades that have passed with thankful hearts.

Bien sur, il y avait des moments dans la vie de notre frère qui ont mérité une célébration: ses parents ont célébré le moment de sa naissance; Roger et sa femme Patricia ont célébré celle de chaqu'un de leurs propres enfants, et ils ont célébré de nouveau avec leurs enfants au moment de la naissance de chaqu'un de leur petits-enfants (cf Ecc 3:2).  De plus, il y avait d'autres moments ou Roger a connu la joie qui habite le coeur de tous ceux et celles qui ont trouvé une certaine maitrise de soi.  C'est la joie d'être entouré par les membres de la famille et des êtres qui nous sont cher.
There were moments in Roger's life that were worth celebrating: his parents celebrated on the day he was born; Roger and his wife Patricia celebrated the births of each of their own children, and together with their children, they celebrated the births of each of their grandchildren (cf Ecc 3:2).  There were also other moments when Roger was happy, when he knew deep within himself that things were just 'right' - when he rested in the simple joy of knowing that he was surrounded by members of his family and by others who he loved.

God has given us the great pleasure of having known Roger in a variety of ways: as a spouse, as a father, as a brother and an uncle, as a colleague and a friend.  Now that his years have been fulfilled, our hearts are breaking.  The bible says that this is the time for mourning (Ecc 3:4), but our hearts can also dance today, for we are here to commend Roger's eternal soul into the loving arms of the One who created him and whose life has inhabited his soul since the day of his baptism.

De sa place dans le royaume des cieux, Roger chante maintenant avec tous les anges.  L’hymne qui monte de ses lèvres est celui qu’a chanté Saint-Pierre: Béni soit le Dieu et Père de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ qui, selon sa grande miséricorde, nous a régénérés par la resurrection de Jésus-Christ d’entre les morts (1 Pt 1:3).
From his place in the kingdom of Heaven, Roger is now singing with all the angels.  The hymn that issues from his lips is the same as the hymn that was uttered by Saint Peter: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who, in his great mercy, has renewed us by Christ's resurrection from the dead (1 Pt 1:3).

Songs like these, songs of praise are gifts from God.  They help us to remember that when we feel most isolated by the trials of this world, we are never alone.  In fact, we rejoice in the Lord’s great gift of peace.  God’s peace allows us to face the challenges of life and to understand that in His eternal plan, every challenge can be lightened if we invite Him to share it with us.  Every joy we experience can be intensified if we remember that Jesus too experienced such moments during his life.

Songs of praise were part of Jesus’ prayer and they should always be part of our prayer too.  How often did Roger fall on his knees to pray, in times of joy and times of challenge, when he was facing doubt and when he was grateful?  How often might he have repeated the words that Jesus himself spoke: I thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth (Mt 11:25).

Even now, God has called our brother home, we are grieved because his life has now been changed and we will no longer be able to look to him for guidance and wisdom.  However, we can pray in thanksgiving to God for the gift that he has been to all those who knew him and loved him.

We can listen for the voice of Jesus that speaks gently in the depths of our hearts, calling to us: Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens (Mt 11:28).  Worry no longer for Roger; he has finally reached his heavenly home where he is reunited with his beloved son Jacques and where he now watches over us, helping us to listen more and more closely for the voice of God that invites us to draw close to him for he is gentle and humble in heart, and we will find rest for our souls (Mt 11:29).

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