Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The first time

One of my acquaintances is living a difficult day today.  A few months ago, she and her husband had to say goodbye to their little girl, who had completed her earthly journey (after only 5 years had passed).

Today would have been this little one's birthday, and as her mother continues to search for ways to grieve, she has come across some interesting information which she shared with me (and with a few others I'm sure).  Perhaps this info may be helpful to others as well.

For anyone who hasn't walked that road, it's unfathomable to even conceive of the grief, but for those who have, no words are necessary in order to understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your friends are able to grieve while supporting each other. I hope they are able to recognize they now share something in common with God, our Father. He too lost a child, His only begotten child.
One brother lost a son, 5 years old, when he was hit by a car. He died in his mother's arms on the way to the hospital. We were unaware that my brother was unable to cope with the loss until he committed suicide on the little boy's birthday three years later. That left my mother grieving for a grandchild and a son...
I pray that all who face the loss of a child are able to call out to the Father for the strength and fortitude to weather the grief. And may they help (when they are able)others who experience similar tragedy.