Sunday, January 26, 2014

Angelus encouragement for Galilee of the Gentiles

At noon today in Rome, the Holy Father, Pope Francis appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace to recite the Angelus with the faithful and with pilgrims who were gathered in Saint Peter's Square.  Among others who were present today were young people belonging to Catholic Action within the Diocese of Rome, who traditionally conclude the month of January, which they dedicate to peace, with a Caravan of Peace.

At the conclusion of the Angelus, a young boy and a young girl who are parishioners at two different Roman parishes were invited into the Papal apartment, where they read a message presented in the name of Catholic Action Rome.  The young people then released two doves from the window of the papal apartment as a symbol of peace.

Address of His Holiness, Pope Francis
prior to the recitation of the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters, hello,

This Sunday’s Gospel recounts the beginnings of Jesus’s public life in the cities and villages of Galilee. His mission did not start from Jerusalem, that is, from the religious, social, and political centre but from an area on the periphery, from an area despised by the most observant Jews because of the presence in that region of foreign groups. This is why the prophet Isaiah refers to it as Galilee of the Gentiles (Isaiah 8:23).

It is a borderland, an area with many travellers where one meets people of different races, cultures and religions. Thus, Galilee in this way becomes the symbolic place of the Gospel’s openness to all peoples. From this point of view, Galilee resembles today’s world: the joint presence of different cultures, the necessity of confrontation and encounter. We too are immersed every day in a Galilee of the Gentiles, and in this sort of context we can be frightened and give in to the temptation of building walls around ourselves to be safer and more protected. But Jesus teaches us that the glad tidings that he brings are not reserved for just one part of humanity; it is to be communicated to everyone. It is a joyful proclamation to those who have been waiting for it but also perhaps to those who have given up and no longer have the strength to seek and to ask.

Starting from Galilee, Jesus teaches us that no one is excluded from God’s salvation, that, on the contrary, God prefers starting on the periphery, from those who are last, to reach all. He teaches us a method, his method, that, however also expresses the content, namely, the Father’s mercy. Each Christian and every community must discern the path that the Lord points out, but all of us are asked to obey his call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the ‘peripheries’ in need of the light of the Gospel (Evangelii gaudium, 20).

Jesus begins his mission not only from a place other than the centre of attention, but also from people that are, we could say, low profile. To choose his first disciples and future apostles, he does not turn to the schools of the scribes and doctors of the Law, but to humbler, simpler persons, who make an effort to prepare for the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls them where they work, on the shores of the sea, they are fishermen. He calls them and they immediately follow him. They leave their nets and go with him: their life will become an extraordinary and fascinating adventure.

Dear friends, the Lord calls today too! The Lord walks the roads of our daily life. Today too, in this moment, here, the Lord passes through this piazza. He calls us to go with him, to work with him for the Kingdom of God, in the Galilees of our time. Each of you should think: the Lord passes by today, the Lord looks at me, he is looking at me! What does the Lord say to me? And if one of you feels that the Lord says to him, Follow me, be courageous, go with the Lord. The Lord never disappoints. Listen in your heart to see whether the Lord is calling you to follow him. Let us allow ourselves to be reached by his gaze, his voice, and let us follow him! So that the joy of the Gospel may reach to the ends of the earth, illuminating even the fringes of our world (Evangelii gaudium, 288).

Following the recitation of the Angelus, the Holy Father further addressed those gathered in St. Peter’s Square:

Today you see that I am not alone. Two of you are with me. They came up here. They are great!

Today we celebrate World Leprosy Day. This sickness, although it is disappearing, unfortunately still strikes many people today, who live in miserable circumstances. It is important to keep the solidarity with these brothers and sisters alive. We assure them of our prayer; and we also pray for all those who care for them and, in different ways, work to defeat this disease.

I am close to the Ukraine in prayer, especially those who lost their lives recently and their families. I would like to see a constructive dialogue develop between the institutions and civil society, an end to all violent actions and the victory of the spirit of peace and pursuit of the common good in everyone’s hearts!

Today there are many children in the piazza. Many! With them too I would like to turn my thoughts to Cocò Campolongo, who at 3 years old was burned in a car in Cassano allo Jonio. This fury against such a little child does not seem to have precedent in the history of crime. Let us pray with Cocò, who is surely in heaven with Jesus, for the people who committed this crime, that they repent and covert to the Lord.

In the next few days, millions of people, who live in the Far East or in different places in the world, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese and others, will celebrate the lunar New Year. I wish them all a life full of joy and hope. May the irrepressible longing for brotherhood that lives in their hearts find a privileged place in the intimacy of the family, where it can be found, formed and realized. This will be a precious contribution to the building up of a more human world, in which peace reigns.

Yesterday in Naples, Maria Cristina di Savoia was proclaimed Blessed. She lived in the first half of the 19th century and was the queen of the two Sicilies. A woman of profound spirituality and great humility, she knew how to take on the suffering of her people, becoming a true mother of the poor. Her extraordinary example of charity testified that the good life of the Gospel is possible in every setting and social condition.

I greet with affection all of you, dear pilgrims, who have come from different parishes in Italy and other countries. I also greet all of the associations, student groups and others. I especially greet the students from Cuenca, Spain and the young women from Panama. I greet the faithful from Caltanissetta, Priolo Gargallo, San Severino Marche and San Giuliano Milanese, and the alumni of the School of Minoprio

I turn now to the young people of Catholic Action of the Diocese of Rome! Dear young people, this year too, accompanied by the cardinal vicar, you have come here in large numbers at the end of your Caravan of Peace. I thank you! I thank you very much! Let us now listen to the message that your friends here next to me will read to us.

Dear Father,

Today, we young people of Catholic Action have come to Saint Peter's Square with our families and our teachers, to bring our message of peace to You, so that it can reach the whole world.

This year in our Catholic Action groups, we are reflecting on the importance of getting into the game and contributing in unique and original ways, shouting (as it were), 'There is no game without You'.  Overcoming prejudices and exclusions, there is room for everyone, because the more we enjoy ourselves, the more we understand that God loves each of us, with all our strengths and weaknesses.  For this reason he invites us to be part of his joy.  We understand that we cannot accept His invitation by involving only our small ideas, but we must bring His message of love to the places where we live and study and play every day, to the people we meet, even next door.

With Catholic Action, we have seen that in order to organize any game, it is essential that the rules, the players and the spaces must all be respected.  Every child has the right to play and have fun in a manner suitable to him or her, but unfortunately, this is not possible in all parts of the world.

For this reason we have collected some offerings which will be sent to children and youth in Haiti, so that they can build places for recreation, for social gatherings and for sports.  In this way, Hope may finally be known in the joy and smiles of children in that land which has been so devastated by natural disasters.

We confide our message of hope to these two doves, trusting that by releasing them, we may come to believe that our hope can spread everywhere, because peace is like the wind: it blows strong.  May it reach everyone, especially those who need to know it most.

We ask you to pray for all of us, that we ourselves might be witnesses of God's peace in our everyday lives.

We want to reciprocate the affection which you show every day to all of us, with the enthusiasm and joy that characterize Catholic Action.

Thank you, Holy Father; Catholic Action wants to give you a big hug.

And now these two great kids will release the doves, symbols of peace.

Release of the doves.

I wish everyone a good Sunday and a good lunch. Goodbye!

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