Saturday, January 18, 2014

Be dressed for action

Here is the text of the homily I prepared for the funeral that was celebrated today, a celebration of faith for a woman who gave her life out of love for her family and friends.

Funeral homily for Doreen Miller

Dearest friends, we have gathered here in this church today to give thanks to God for Dorren, for the many years he granted us to share with her here on this earth, for the wisdom and lessons she taught us, for her sense of welcome and hospitality for all those who have known and come to love her, and for the gift of her sense of humour that put most of us at ease, even though it might have been a challenge to others.

During her life here on earth, Doreen shared the joy of her faith with her precious daughters and with her grandchildren.  She shared the conviction of her belief in God with friends and relatives too.  Because of this, our prayer today is not one of sorrow but of celebration because we believe that Doreen has now entered into eternal life, the life that is promised to each of us on the day of our baptism, the life for which we prepare every day that we spend here on earth, the life that awaits us in our true homeland which is in heaven.

In the gospel passage we read this morning, Jesus is speaking with his disciples.  He had already taught them about God the Father, and about heaven, and about God`s plan for each of us to one day be one with him in heaven.  Knowing that this is our heritage, he calls all of us, his disciples, to be dressed for action, to have our lamps lit, to be ready and waiting to greet the master when he returns, ready to open the door whenever he should arrive and knock.

People of faith who are waiting for the arrival of their master are always on the lookout.  We are constantly seeking ways to anticipate other people’s needs, not so that they would recognize us and reward us for our attention to such details, but so that we might be more aware of God’s goodness to us, and of God’s invitation for us to be people who carry a lamp of faith in our hearts.  This lamp of faith shines brightly whenever we respond to his invitation to be of service to others, to share with them the good news of the gospel and to challenge them too to be joyful witnesses of love and forgiveness.

Throughout her earthly life, Doreen sought to be such a person, committed to carrying her lamp, to shedding the light of faith especially in places and at times when the darkness of doubt would otherwise have caused others to fear.  Her earthly life came to a very sudden end, but the faith that she shared with us, the faith that we also share, assures us that physical death is not the end of the story.  In fact, it is only the beginning, for now her soul is taken to heaven where she will know the fullness of life, where she will be reunited with her husband Wilfrid, who she loved very much and who she cared for through the years of his physical ailments.

What lessons have we learned from having shared even a little portion of this wonderful woman’s life?  Perhaps we have learned the power of love.  Perhaps we have witnessed the devotion of a woman who knew the value of always being willing to give of herself.  Maybe we were lucky enough to have known the joy of being surrounded with friends and with family.  And maybe, just maybe, we have had the great privilege of having known a woman whose faith was so strong that she would want us all to know that her Redeemer lives, and that on the last day, he, the Lord, will call us all to himself and hold us close.  On that day, we shall look on God, we shall know the fullness of his love for us and we shall know the fullness of joy in his presence.

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