Thursday, January 16, 2014

With the laypeople of the Papal Household

At noon today in the Sala Clementina at the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father, Pope Francis met with Attaches of the Antichamber, a group of laypeople who are part of the Pontifical Household, along with members of their families.

Address of His Holiness, Pope Francis
for the audience with the Attaches of the Antichamber

Dear friends,

I willingly greet you, and extend to all of you and your families my best wishes for the year that we have just begun.

Let us ask ourselves:  whose is the Pontifical Household?  Who is the master of this house?  The Papal Household belongs to all the members of the Catholic Church, those who experience hospitality, the warmth of a family and support for their faith in this place.  The true Master of this House is the Lord, of whom we are all disciples, servants of his gospel.  This requires us to constantly cultivate a dialogue with Him in prayer, so that we can grow in his friendship and intimacy, and bear witness to his merciful love for all people.  Performed in this spirit, your work can become an occasion for communicating the joy of being part of the Church.

Yesterday's liturgy presented the figure of the young Samuel who, living in the Temple in Jerusalem, came to know the voice of the Lord and learned how to respond to His call (1 Sam 3:9).  This environment is also for you to hear God speaking to you, calling you to serve with ever-growing maturity and generosity.

Dear friends, may the Lord bless you and your families, and may the Madonna protect you always.  I ask you, please pray for me!  Thank you!

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