Monday, May 4, 2015

Some new guards begin

At 10:30am today, in the Sala Clementina at the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father, Pope Francis received in audience the Pontifical Swiss Guard Corps who are swearing in new recruits today, along with members of the families of the new recruits.

Speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the audience with the new recruits
for the Swiss Guard

Dear Commander,
Reverend Chaplain,
Dear Guards,
Dear parents and relatives,

On the occasion of your oath taking I have the pleasure of meeting with you, Guards and your families, in order to share with you a significant friendship, since you exercise your service so close to me.

This is a special friendship because it is based on the love of Christ: the greatest love that He lived and shared with his disciples: No one has greater love than this: to give his life for his friends (Jn 15:13).

Throughout the history of the Church, many men and women have embraced the call of this great love.  The Swiss Guard who fought during the Sack of Rome and who gave their lives to defend the Pope, followed this call.  Responding with dedication to this call is what it means to follow Christ.

In the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola, who was a soldier when he was younger, speak of the call of the King, that is Christ, who wants to build his Kingdom and chooses his collaborators.  The Lord wants to build his kingdom with the collaboration of men.  He needs willing and courageous people.  Thus, according to Saint Ignatius, Christ the King asks those who want to go with Him to accept the same food, the same drink and the same clothing as he wears.  He asks them to be ready to work hard during the day and to stay awake at night, so that they can participate in the victory (cf ES, 91 ff).

Negli Esercizi Spirituali sant’Ignazio di Loyola, che da giovane era stato un soldato, parla della “chiamata del Re”, cioè Cristo, che vuole edificare il suo Regno e sceglie i suoi collaboratori. Il Signore vuole costruire il suo Regno con la collaborazione degli uomini. Ha bisogno di persone decise e coraggiose. Così, secondo sant’Ignazio, Cristo Re chiede a chi vuole andare con Lui di accontentarsi dello stesso cibo, della stessa bevanda e degli stessi abiti suoi. Gli chiede di essere pronto a faticare durante il giorno e a stare sveglio di notte, perché così parteciperà alla vittoria (cf Spiritual Exercises, 91ss.).

At the same time, Ignatius compares the world to two military camps, one with the banner of Christ and the other with Satan's banner.  There are only these two camps.  For a Christian, the choice is clear: we follow the banner of Christ (cf Spiritual Exercises, 136 ff).

Christ is the true King.  He himself go on ahead, and his friends follow him.  A soldier of Christ participates in the life of his Lord.  This is also the call that touches you: to take on Christ's concerns, to be his companions.  In this way, you will learn day after day to feel with Christ and with the Church.  A Swiss Guard is a person who truly seeks to follow the Lord Jesus and who especially loves the Church, a Christian with genuine faith.

All this, dear young people, you too, like every Christian, can live thanks to the Sacraments of the Church: with regular participation at Mass and in frequent Confession.  You can live it by daily reading the gospel.  I tell you the same thing that I tell everyone else : always carry a small copy of the gospels in your hand, to read it when you have a quiet moment.  Your personal prayer will also help you, especially the Rosary, during the pegs of honour.  You will also be helped by your service to the poor, to the sick, to those who need a good word ...

In this way, when you meet people, pilgrims, you will pass on to them your kindness and competence this greatest love that comes from friendship with Christ.  In effect, you Swiss Guards are a manifesto of the Holy See!  I thank you very much for this and I encourage you to continue your good work.

I know that your service is demanding.  When there are additional tasks, we can always count on the Swiss Guard.  I know this.  I thank you with affection and I want to express my extreme appreciation for all that you do for the Church and for me as the Successor of Peter.  Above all, I thank you for your prayers.  Don't forget!  I too pray for you and for your loved ones, and I entrust you to the intercession of your patrons, Saint Martin, Saint Sebastian and Saint Nicolas of Flüe.

With all my heart, I bless you all.

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