Thursday, April 28, 2016

The trial continues

Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, provided some information this evening to accredited journalists relating to the legal process currently in progress concerning the divulging of embargoed news and documents.

Today, Thursday, April 28, at 3:30pm, in the Vatican City State's Tribunal Hall, the latest hearing of the legal process concerning the publication of reserved news and documents took place.  Present today, in addition to the judicial College (Professors Giuseppe Della Torre, Piero Antonio Bonnet, Paolo Papanti-Pellettier and Venerando Marano) and the Promotors of Justice (Professors Gian Piero Milano and Roberto Zannotti), the accused Lucio Ángel Vallejo Balda, Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui and Nicola Maio, along with their respective lawyers: Emanuela Bellardini, Laura Sgrò and Rita Claudi Baffioni.The accused Emiliano Fittipaldi and Gianluigi Nuzzi were absent, but were represented by their lawyers: Lucia Teresa Musso and Roberto Palombi.

During the audience, the presentation of testimony continued, and the session was dedicated to the delivery of two testimonies: offered by Doctor Paola Monaco and by Ms. Paola Pellegrino, who at the time were respectively the Secretary to the Cardinal President and the Archivist of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Holy See.  These two witnesses were interrogated by the judges, the Promotors of Justice and the defence lawyers.

Following the interrogation of each of the witnesses, the respective transcripts were read aloud and approved.

The audience concluded at approximately 8:15pm.

The next session will take place on Saturday, May 7 at 9:30am, with the possibility of a second session in the afternoon of that day.  It is anticipated that further testimonies will be heard, according to the list of witnesses that has been compiled.

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