Thursday, December 1, 2016

Looking lovingly upon us

Today, we commended the soul of our brother in faith into the loving embrace of our eternal Father.  Having completed his earthly journey, he now looks lovingly upon us; his prayers help us to find our way Home.

Funeral homily for Gérald Desnoyers

Il y a plus de huit décennies, Antonio Desnoyers et Fleurette Duguay ont connu une joie profonde: celle de la naissance de leur fils Gérald.  Il grandissait, entouré de ses frères et soeurs; tous ont été mis en relation avec la personne de Jésus-Christ et la bonne nouvelle qu'il partage avec ses disciples: Si le grain de blé que l'on a jeté en terre ne meurt pas, il reste un seul.  Mais s'il meurt, il porte beaucoup de fruit (Jn 12:24).
More than eight decades ago, Antonio Desnoyers and Fleurette Duguay experienced profound joy at the birth of their son Gérald.  He grew up surrounded by his brothers and sisters; they were all introduced to the person of Jesus Christ and to the good news that he shared with his disciples: Unless a grain of wheat should fall into the ground and die, it will remain but a single grain; but if it dies, it will bear much fruit (Jn 12:24).

The true meaning of these words can only be understood by someone who has lived life, complete with its challenges and victories: one who has experienced the profound joy of falling in love, of experiencing the birth of children and grandchildren, one ow ho has learned the value of self-giving and of living for the sake of others, one who has discovered the joy of knowing about Jesus, and of knowing Him personally, one who has come to know the joy of sharing the wisdom that is born of faith with others.

Notre frère bien-aimé se trouve actuellement au seuil de notre patrie céleste.  Nous avons eu la joie de partager une partie de son voyage terrestre; nous devons maintenant confier son âme éternelle au Seigneur.  Désormais nous ne verrons plus son visage et ses yeux lumineux; nous n'entendrons plus sa voix et nous n'aurons plus la joie d'être enveloppés de ses bras; il nous sera quand même tout proche: en effet, il entendra nos prières, il veillera sur nous et il guidera nos pas jusqu'au jour où nous le verrons de nouveau dans le Royaume du Seigneur.
Our beloved brother now finds himself at the threshold of our heavenly homeland.  We have had the joy of sharing a part of his earthly voyage; now we must confide his eternal soul to the Lord.  From now on, we will no longer see his face, his brilliantly shining eyes; we will no longer hear his voice and we will no longer be enveloped in his arms; however, he will still be very close to us: he can still hear our prayers, he is still watching over us, guiding our steps until the day when we will see him again in the heavenly kingdom.

It is never easy for us to be parted from those we love, but we can take courage in the words that we have heard.  The truth of the matter is that we only live a certain number of years here on earth, practicing for heaven.  During this time, we experience the joys and sorrows that mold our characters and shape us into the persons that we are meant to be, but even as we do, we are already citizens of heaven (cf Phil 3:20) and Jesus has given us the assurance that he will transform our physical bodies so that they can be conformed to the body of his glory (Phil 3:21).

Therefore, though we may find it difficult to be separated from Gérald, today is a day of celebration, and our presence here in this church is an act of faith.  With mortal tongues, we sing to God; with all our human limitations, we stand before the immensity of heaven.  We can do this because we are certain that the souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God, and no torment will ever touch them again (Wis 3:1).  The world around us may try to tell us that this is the end for Gérald, but we who are people of faith know that this is not the end; it is only the beginning.

Throughout his eighty plus years, God tested him and he has been found worthy (cf Wis 3:5).  As for us who still must continue our journey, we must strive every day to live our lives as acts of trust in the promises of Jesus.  He assures us that the faithful will abide with him in love (Wis 3:9).  Secure in this knowledge, he sends us out into the world to be witnesses of his love for the sake of others.  All the while, he is close to us: for grace and mercy are upon his holy ones, and he watches over his elect.

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